La vida es como una galleta. Una mezcla de elementos que no puedes separar entre sí del todo y que esperas que te deje un buen sabor de boca. Sin embargo, no siempre es así.
Habrá momentos en los que te sientas perdido. Momentos en los que sientas que todo lo que haces no sirve para nada. Momentos en los que sientas que eres un títere, que no tienes elección a la hora de actuar, que tus pasos los está andando otro por ti.
Encontrarás obstáculos en tu camino. Algunos, esperados, como la dificultad de unos estudios o el independizarte. Otros temidos, como la incertidumbre del futuro o la parcialidad de aquellos que te juzgan. Y, lamentándolo mucho, encontrarás obstáculos inesperados. Bastantes más de los que te gustaría. Encontrarás rechazo donde buscaste apoyo, y encontrarás oportunismo donde veías amistad.
Sentirás que la vida es una broma de mal gusto, que todo aquello del camino de rosas era mentira. Pensarás: "¿La juventud la mejor época de mi vida? No quiero saber cómo será la peor". Creerás que todo acaba en la próxima esquina, con el siguiente suspenso o la siguiente decepción amorosa. A estas alturas tendrás entre 15 y 25 años, y pensarás que lo sabes todo, que nadie te entiende y que nadie hace nada por entenderte.
Tal vez, si tienes muy mala suerte, pensarás en tomar una salida rápida a todo ese carrusel de sonrisas burlonas y gritos airados. Si ese es el caso, déjame decirte algo:
Posiblemente no hoy, y tampoco no el mes que viene, pero poco a poco la luz empezará a penetrar en el manto oscuro que te rodea. Ayúdala a entrar, no te niegues a ver que las cosas van a ir bien sólo porque hasta el momento todo ha ido mal. Apóyate en aquellos que te brindan su mano, y utiliza a aquellos que te dieron la espalda como escalones hacia tu felicidad.
Verás, la vida no es fácil. Quien te diga que lo es, miente. Pero tienes dos opciones: dejar que pueda contigo, o poder con ella. No pierdas la sonrisa por mucho que dure la tempestad, porque al otro lado espera el Sol radiante. Ellos esperan que te rindas, que dejes de intentarlo. Hay algo mejor, se puede ser feliz, sólo tienes que luchar por ello. Nunca dejes de soñar, nunca. Suena casi imposible de cumplir, pero te digo por experiencia que un sueño en el que se cree firmemente es el mejor salvavidas que puedes encontrar.
Y, aunque no te conozca, sé que eres un ser maravilloso a tu manera, y que dentro de ti hay una pequeña luz dispuesta a que la dejes brillar. Recuerda: todo mejora. Sólo es cuestión de tiempo.
Life is like a cookie. A mixture of elements that you can't separate completely and that you expect to be nice-tasted. However, it isn't always like that.
There will be moments when you'll feel lost. Moments when you'll feel that anything you do is worthy. Moments when you'll feel that you're a puppet, that you have no choice, that someone is walking your way for you.
You'll find obstacles in your way. Some of them, expected, as difficult studies or living on your own. Another ones frightening, as an uncertain future or the bias of those who judge you. And, I'm sorry for this, you'll find unexpected handicaps. Plenty more that you'd like. You'll find rejection where you looked for support, and you'll find opportunism where you saw friendship.
You'll feel that life is a bad joke, that all those fairytales about a nice life were bullshit. You'll think: "Youth is the best time of my life? I don't want to know how the worst will be". You'll believe that everything will end in the next corner, with the next F or the next broke-up. By now you must be age between 15 and 25, and you'll be sure that you know everything, that nobody understands you and nobody gives a damn to understand you.
Maybe, if you have a great bad luck, you might think about taking the easy way out to all those mocking smiles and angry shouts. If it's your case, let me tell you something:
You see, life is not easy. If somebody tells you it is, is lying to you. But you have two choices: let life beat you, or beat life yourself. Don't you ever lose your smile, doesn't car how long the storm is, at the end the Sun is shining. They expect you to give up, to stop trying. There's something else better, it's possible to be happy, you just have to fight for it. Never stop dreaming, never. It sounds kind of impossible to achieve, but I tell you that a firmly-believed dream is the best life belt you'll ever find.
And, even if I don't know you at all, I know you're a wonderfull human being in your own way, and that inside of you there's a little light willing that you let it shine bright. Remember: everything gets better. It's just a matter of time.
Forgiven Princess
P.D. Sí, a partir de ahora creo que voy a actualizar en castellano y en inglés. Porque me apetece, porque así puede leerme más gente y porque practico el idioma. Y es mi blog y hago lo que quiero, ché.
Verás, la vida no es fácil. Quien te diga que lo es, miente. Pero tienes dos opciones: dejar que pueda contigo, o poder con ella. No pierdas la sonrisa por mucho que dure la tempestad, porque al otro lado espera el Sol radiante. Ellos esperan que te rindas, que dejes de intentarlo. Hay algo mejor, se puede ser feliz, sólo tienes que luchar por ello. Nunca dejes de soñar, nunca. Suena casi imposible de cumplir, pero te digo por experiencia que un sueño en el que se cree firmemente es el mejor salvavidas que puedes encontrar.
Y, aunque no te conozca, sé que eres un ser maravilloso a tu manera, y que dentro de ti hay una pequeña luz dispuesta a que la dejes brillar. Recuerda: todo mejora. Sólo es cuestión de tiempo.
Life is like a cookie. A mixture of elements that you can't separate completely and that you expect to be nice-tasted. However, it isn't always like that.
There will be moments when you'll feel lost. Moments when you'll feel that anything you do is worthy. Moments when you'll feel that you're a puppet, that you have no choice, that someone is walking your way for you.
You'll find obstacles in your way. Some of them, expected, as difficult studies or living on your own. Another ones frightening, as an uncertain future or the bias of those who judge you. And, I'm sorry for this, you'll find unexpected handicaps. Plenty more that you'd like. You'll find rejection where you looked for support, and you'll find opportunism where you saw friendship.
You'll feel that life is a bad joke, that all those fairytales about a nice life were bullshit. You'll think: "Youth is the best time of my life? I don't want to know how the worst will be". You'll believe that everything will end in the next corner, with the next F or the next broke-up. By now you must be age between 15 and 25, and you'll be sure that you know everything, that nobody understands you and nobody gives a damn to understand you.
Maybe, if you have a great bad luck, you might think about taking the easy way out to all those mocking smiles and angry shouts. If it's your case, let me tell you something:
Probably not today, neither next month, but gradually the light will start filling all that darkness that involves you. Help it enter, don't deny to yourself that things are going to be ok just because until that moment everything went wrong. Lean on those who offer you their hands, and use the ones who turned their backs on you as steps to your happiness.You see, life is not easy. If somebody tells you it is, is lying to you. But you have two choices: let life beat you, or beat life yourself. Don't you ever lose your smile, doesn't car how long the storm is, at the end the Sun is shining. They expect you to give up, to stop trying. There's something else better, it's possible to be happy, you just have to fight for it. Never stop dreaming, never. It sounds kind of impossible to achieve, but I tell you that a firmly-believed dream is the best life belt you'll ever find.
And, even if I don't know you at all, I know you're a wonderfull human being in your own way, and that inside of you there's a little light willing that you let it shine bright. Remember: everything gets better. It's just a matter of time.
Forgiven Princess
P.D. Sí, a partir de ahora creo que voy a actualizar en castellano y en inglés. Porque me apetece, porque así puede leerme más gente y porque practico el idioma. Y es mi blog y hago lo que quiero, ché.
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