It's been ten years
Just dark and fears
No laugh, just tears
And then you found me
And all these time
For you I cried
In silence I cried
And then you found me
Tell me why
It took you so long
To come back home
To let me write songs
Everything I feel, everything I care
You come back and it seems to disappear
Everything you feel, everything you care
I hold you in my arms and it seems to disappear
Since you left
I couldn't hear the muses
My brain was dry, my soul was deaf
Can you imagine how it confuses?
Now you come back
You're in my doorway, you're just back
I feel like I'm having a heart-attack
And now it feels like...
Everything I feel, everything I care
You come back and it seems to disappear
Everything you feel, everything you care
I hold you in my arms and it seems to disappear
In night, I could feel your hands touching my back, your lips in my neck. I could hear you whispering in my ear, laughing quietly. But I knew it were just dreams. Now you come back and it feels like...
Everything I feel, everything I care
You come back and it seems to disappear
Everything you feel, everything you care
I hold you in my arms and it seems to disappear
NOTA 1: Esta es la letra improvisada que se me acaba de ocurrir para una canción propia. Se me olvidó comentaros que, por cosas de la vida, Devoción se separó (oh, lloros, lloros, es una lástima). Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeero, ¡¡¡¡SEDUCTION WEAPONS HA VUELTO!!!! ¡¡¡¡Sí, nena!!!!
NOTA 2: Bueno, espero que algún entendido en el idioma me diga los errores que hay, porque teniendo en cuenta la hora que es alguno debe haber, y ya que es un proyecto de canción, mejor no ir cagándola everywhere.
Au cacau!!
1 comentario:
Yo cambiaría "you come back and it seems to disappear" por "when you come back, it seems to disappear" y la 4ª del chorus por "when I hold you in muy arms, it seems to disappear"; para que sean dos las frases con la pausa en medio, y se completen los significados de la primera y la tercera.
Y es "at night", no "in night" (Pink- Dear Mr President: how do you sleep AT night...).
El resto no sé cómo de bien o mal está... Yo creo que bastante bien :)
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